The Senshi Premium Pro Gum shield:
More Impact, More Protection
A lot of standard gum shields are designed for sports with a low likelihood of head impact, like rugby and hockey
Ours on the otherhand, is made specifically for combat training
Your teeth and gums are vital to living a healthy and fulfilling life but when you're training with your standard gum shield, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of damaging or even losing them!
With the Senshi Premium Pro Mouthguard, the risk of losing your teeth is taken right down to zero.
With our efficient air channel technology, heavier breathes lead to cooler air coming in.
What does that mean?
Efficient cooling and faster recovery from fatigue.
We know combat sports.
With over 1,000+ fighters using the premium pro gum shield worldwide, its no surprise that more and more fighters are switching to Senshi everday.
Product details
- Boxing
- Kickboxing
- Muay Thai
- Tae Kwan Do
- Karate